Friday, May 21, 2010

Madan Tamang is dead

Madan Tamang, leader of the All India Gorkhaland League (AIGL) has been killed. He was stabbed to death by Gorkha Janmukti Morcha(GJM) while overseeing preparations for a meeting later in the day.

The GJM has been demanding a separate state for the Nepali speaking Gorkhas who are a majority in Darjeeling and surrounding areas but form a minority in West Bengal. They had proposed an interim set-up, which constituted a state within the state with a separate home department and a judiciary.

AIGL was opposed to hte idea of interim set-up and demanded the formation of Gorkhaland immediately. GJM wanted itself to be the sole representative of Gorkhaland.

Makes one wonder if GJM is fighting for the people or for power of establishing Gorkhaland .

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