Friday, May 21, 2010

Madan Tamang is dead

Madan Tamang, leader of the All India Gorkhaland League (AIGL) has been killed. He was stabbed to death by Gorkha Janmukti Morcha(GJM) while overseeing preparations for a meeting later in the day.

The GJM has been demanding a separate state for the Nepali speaking Gorkhas who are a majority in Darjeeling and surrounding areas but form a minority in West Bengal. They had proposed an interim set-up, which constituted a state within the state with a separate home department and a judiciary.

AIGL was opposed to hte idea of interim set-up and demanded the formation of Gorkhaland immediately. GJM wanted itself to be the sole representative of Gorkhaland.

Makes one wonder if GJM is fighting for the people or for power of establishing Gorkhaland .

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kasab Gets Death Sentence - Is this a real victory?

Ajmal Kasab is pronounced with the death sentence. The judge has pronounced that he be hanged by neck until dead.

How different is this act than of Kasab's? Is it right to take the life of a person knowingly, whatever be the crime he commited?

According to where he was trained, he was told that he is doing the right thing by killing people. He is just a puppet in mightier hands. Say a very young mind trained to think in one direction only, against Indians. I do not think it is his mistake to have found himself in such a situation. He was trained to kill people and sent to die at the hands of the cops during the attack.

The judge is quoted to have said, "There would no chance that Kasab would reform and that there was no option but to give the death penalty." Who are we to decide that a man would not reform and to take his life?

Kasab broke down at the court when the judgement was pronounced. This is testimony of the fact that Kasab did not know what he was getting into, until after the attacks and he was arrested. This does not in anyways mean that what Kasab did was right. It is just that nobody, including the law, should have the right to decide that another human being should not live. It is as inhuman an act as that of Kasab's himself.

Ujjwal Nikkam, the public prosecutor was quoted saying that Kasab was "worse than a wild beast... Kasab is a killing machine... and the order for this machine came from Pakistan" So lets the ones ordering the machine instead of the machine itself.

Killing one Kasab is not the solution to such terrorist acts. We are not trying to get even with Pakistan. We are trying to end such terrorism.

Kasab might have "enjoyed the acts of murder" but if he repents his act, he must be given a chance to live.